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A standard method comprising multi-mesh monofilament nylon gillnets and depth stratification, the Drottningholm method, was employed in test fishing of a small Zambian reservoir (32 ha) on eight occasions over 1 year. The catch per unit effort (cpue) from the 0–3 and 3–6 m zone was timated with benthic and pelagic nets, while in the 6–12 m zone only benthic nets were used. Results include species caught and cpue with coefficients of variation and confidence intervals, for net types and depth zones. A total of 11 species were caught, of which Burbus paludinosus , B. marequensis , Laheo cylindricus , and Oreochromis sp. dominated. Coefficients of variation did not indicate a preferable season for test fishing. During the cold season some species were not caught. The applicability of the method in estimation of species composition and cpue is discussed.  相似文献   
Copper oxide nanomaterials were synthesized by a facile sustainable biological method using two plant species (Zanthoxylum armatum DC. and Berberis lycium Royle ). The formation of materials was confirmed by FT‐IR, ATR, UV‐visible, XRD, TEM, SEM, EDX, TGA and PL. The antibacterial activity was evaluated by agar well diffusion method to ascertain the efficacy of plant species extract and extract derived copper oxide nanomaterials against six Gram‐positive bacteria namely Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus pyogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium xerosis, Bacillus cereus and four Gram‐negative bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus vulgaris against the standard drug, Ciprofloxacin for Gram‐positive and Gentamicin for Gram‐negative bacteria, respectively. In both cases, copper oxide nanomaterials were found to be sensitive in all the bacterial species. Sensitivity of copper oxide nanomaterials shows an be higher as compared to plant species extract against different bacteria. Scavenging activity of plant extracts along with nanomaterials have been accessed using previously reported protocols employing ascorbic acid as standard. Scavenging activity of copper oxide nanomaterials shows an increase with increase in concentration. The biological activity (bactericidal and scavenging efficiency) of plant derived copper oxide nanomaterials revealed that these materials can be used as potent antimicrobial agent and DPPH scavengers in industrial as well as pharmacological fields.  相似文献   
《北京城市总体规划(2016—2035)》首次提出需加强三山五园地区整体保护,为推进研究和保护“五园”之中唯一园址不存的畅春园,通过综合研究多件清宫历史图档、近现代航拍测绘影像及考古报告等资料的空间关系,复原畅春园及附属的西花园在乾隆和道光2个时期的平面布局,并初步确定其在海淀区的具体区位,以及位于三山五园地区保护红线之内的事实。在此基础上对两园的功能和景观布局进行了初步探讨,表明畅春园是一座跨越明清两代、艺术水平较高的大型人工山水园,对清代皇家园林的营建产生了重要的影响,因此具有较高的研究价值。  相似文献   
为解析酱香型白酒酿造酒醅中酵母菌的菌群结构,获取酒醅中的主要酵母菌,采用高通量测序法分析酱香型白酒酒醅中酵母菌多样性及主要功能菌群,同时采用可培养分离方法获取酒醅中酵母菌活性菌株。从酱香型白酒下沙至五轮次酒醅中共检出59个属、129个种的酵母菌,分离得到酵母菌活性菌株41种,检测到的酵母菌种类与获得的酵母菌活菌在各香型白酒中最多。不同时期酒醅中的酵母菌种类和数量差异明显,其中下沙、造沙轮次以Pichia kudriavzevii为绝对优势酵母菌;一至五轮次随着轮次的递增,酒醅中优势酵母菌的种类增多,其中主要的优势酵母菌有Pichia kudriavzevii、Pichia manshurica、Zygosaccharomyces bailii、Saccharomyces cerevisiae、Candida apicola。酱香型白酒酒醅中蕴藏着极其丰富的酵母菌资源,对酵母菌菌群结构的解析有助于科学地认识酱香型白酒酿造过程中产酒与风味代谢机理,为发酵过程的调控提供一定依据。  相似文献   
近年来随着计算机与各学科领域交叉研究的发展,计算流体力学数值模拟方法在城市环境的微气候研究方面得到较多应用,为研究绿地在有限面积内更有效地实现其降温效应提供了新的思路。回顾计算流体力学(CFD)数值模拟方法在不同尺度的城市绿地温湿效应及室外热舒适度评价研究中的应用,在此基础上,总结目前存在的问题及不足,对未来该领域的研究方向提出3点展望,以期为未来城市绿地微气候研究提供参考:1)多平台与尺度扩展研究;2)微气候特征指标的综合交叉分析;3)高适配度模拟模型的及时更新。  相似文献   
目的基于循证医学系统性评价飞行质谱鉴定临床分离真菌的准确度,并与常规方法准确度进行比较。方法检索主要英文数据库PubMed、Cochrane、Web of Science,以及中文数据库CBM、万方、维普、知网数据库,检索飞行质谱鉴定临床分离真菌的原始文献。结果经筛选后纳入19篇文献(6609株真菌),Meta分析结果显示飞行质谱鉴定真菌至种水平正确率为0.9368(95%CI=0.9091~0.9598),常规方法鉴定真菌至种水平正确率为0.9104(95%CI=0.8874~0.9340);对结果进行了亚组分析,主要包括:菌株类型、研究类型、样本处理方法、金标准检测范围、鉴定阈值等;敏感性分析表明结果稳定可靠,Begg和Egger’s结果表明飞行质谱鉴定真菌不存在发表偏倚,常规方法鉴定真菌存在一定发表偏倚。结论基质辅助激光解吸电离-飞行时间质谱系统(MALDI-TOF MS)方法对鉴定临床致病性真菌准确率较高,是临床常规方法的可靠替代方法。  相似文献   
为了快速高效的观察兰科植物铁皮石斛的显微结构,利用光镜和改进的蔗糖保护--液氮速冻冰冻切片法,观察铁皮石斛根、茎、叶的显微结构。该技术方法是将铁皮石斛器官经过蔗糖磷酸缓冲液保护液处理后抽真空,再经过液氮速冻、包埋、切片、展片观察、染色以及拍照等步骤,制作出铁皮石斛根、茎和叶较完整的显微结构切片。研究结果表明,适合铁皮石斛根的最适条件为:蔗糖质量体积分数为8%、冷凝温度-25℃、切片厚度20μm;茎的最适条件为:蔗糖质量体积分数为16%、冷凝温度-20℃、切片厚度15μm;叶的最适条件为:蔗糖质量体积分数为4%、冷凝温度-20℃、切片厚度10μm。该研究在兰科植物显微结构观察和组织化学研究中将具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
目的:观察不同全血过滤方法用于去白细胞血液制备的效果。方法:采用两种全血过滤方法进行对比研究,对照组采用常规法,将采集后全血混匀后直接与白细胞滤器连接直接过滤;实验组采用湿润滤盘法,血液采集完成混匀后静置,先用上层血清10~20 m L湿润滤盘,再混匀与白细胞滤器连接后进行过滤。比较两组制备方法所用的过滤时间、血液回收率、过滤前后血液指标情况及24小时内溶血的发生情况。结果:两组全血过滤方法过滤前后白细胞、红细胞、血红蛋白、血小板及血浆游离血红蛋白水平比较差异均无明显统计学意义(P0.05)。而实验组过滤时间短于对照组,血液回收率高于对照组,且24小时内溶血比例明显低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:常规法与湿润滤盘法均能达到去白细胞血液标准,但湿润滤盘法较常规法能有效的降低过滤时间、增加血液回收率,减少去白细胞悬浮红细胞因溶血造成的血液不合格率,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
The present paper describes the development and validation of a simple and sensitive micelle‐enhanced high‐throughput fluorometric method for the determination of niclosamide (NIC) in 96‐microwell plates. The proposed method is based on the reduction of the nitro group of niclosamide to an amino group using Zn/HCl to give a highly fluorescent derivative that was developed simultaneously and measured at λem 444 nm after excitation at λex 275 nm. Tween‐80 and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) have been used as fluorescence enhancers and greatly enhanced the fluorescence by factors of 100–150%. The different experimental conditions affecting the fluorescence reaction were carefully investigated and optimized. The proposed method showed good linearity (r2≥ 0.9997) over the concentration ranges of 1–5 and 0.5–5 μg/ml with lower detection limits of 0.01 and 0.008 μg/ml and lower quantification limits of 0.04 and 0.03 μg/ml on using Tween‐80 and or CMC, respectively. The developed high‐throughput method was successfully applied for the determination of niclosamide in both tablets and spiked plasma. The capability of the method for measuring microvolume samples made it convenient for handling a very large number of samples simultaneously. In addition, it is considered an environmentally friendly method with lower consumption of chemicals and solvents.  相似文献   
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